Season 2, Week 4
Vormav Tingel
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
After facing the master martial artist of Lunar, and his contemporary head of the Magic Guild of Vane, Vormav now gets to face his second mage of the season, and his third competitor from the land of Lunar. Against the much speedier mage from Vane, Nash, Vormav will find another difficult battle, but as he's immune to Nash's status effects, and nothing the brash mage has can match up to Catastrophe, Vormav ought to find surviving to be an easier task than it was last week. Which just leaves the simple one-two punch of Shellbust Stab and Blastar Punch to do his job for him.



The one, the only, the epitome of's Nash! With his great speed, powerful magics, and great hair, Nash always impresses his adoring fans in every battle. However, this might be a battle where he fails to impress. His potent status magic out of the way, including his Starlight Bow, he'll have to rely on his just as potent Thunderbolt spell. It's a powerful attack spell that, while not up to Sword Dance levels, is the best attack spell in the Lunar 1 arsenal. With Vormav's craptacular Magic Defense, and Nash's great speed and agility, he can still take this match.

Dark Holy Elf
Fortunately for Nash, all that heavy armour Vormav wears makes him an excellent target for lightning attacks.

Unfortunately for Nash, all that light armour he wears makes him an excellent target for Mighty Sword.

Vormav Tingel: 13
Nash Rumack: 6