Season 20, Week 2
Elly van Houten
When Elly finally earned a well-deserved Middle upgrade, she had hoped to meet a much...saner group of duelers than the ones she had battled in Light. After all, one can only take so many delusional winged princesses, gender-unsure wolves, and power-tripping reporters before one starts questioning her own sanity. Alas, it was not to be, since her first match is against a warrior obssessed with his, ahem, "Miniaturised Giant Space Hamster." At least it's an easy match. Minsc may have good evasion, but it won't matter much against her incredibly accurate hyper deathblows. Then, it's just a matter of sleep-locking her opponent with the Lunar Rod until he takes a permanent nap. Oh well, maybe she'll finally get to face someone normal next round.



After journeying all over Faerun with the child of Bhaal, Minsc and Boo have finally found the ideal place to rest: the RPGDL! After all, a true warrior can never rest and there are many in the DL who would benefit from the application of Minsc’s justice-filled boot to their buttocks. Of course, before Minsc can face the DL’s most heinous villains in combat, he must prove his worth! Conveniently, his first opponent, Elly, is a mere stepping stone. As a gear pilot, Elly lacks the endurance to stand before Minsc’s berserker rage or strike back in a manner that would even faze the durable ranger. There is no doubt that Minsc shall triumph; the real question is whether his success will be impressive enough to further spread the word of this dealer of justice.

"Boo," Minsc said to the hamster in his pocket, "what wonders this arena is! I never knew the size and scale of this place was so large"

Elly, watching and listening to the Ranger talk to his pocket, was getting frustrated. "Will you stop talking to that little furball and fight me?!" She swung her rod, for perhaps the hundredth time, and watched as it once again missed her opponent.

"But you are a hero!" the proud Ranger exclaimed, raising Boo into the air. "The brave adventurers Minsc and Boo would never harm someone like yourself!"

"Then stand still and let me harm you!" the Gebler officer screamed.

In a rage, she charged forward and swung her rod wildly. Unfortunately for her, the swing was strong enough that the gale following the downward arc of her rod blew Boo out of Minsc's hand and into the stands. This, of course, did not stand well with Minsc.

"What have you done! Boo! Booooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Your butt is in sore need of kicking, evil-doer! No hero would harm such a sweet creature!"

And with that, Minsc flung into a full berserker rage, and proceeded to beat Elly senseless with his maces. As Elly lay on the ground of the arena, unconscious, Minsc, in a truly heroic gesture, forfeited his victory.

"I hope I have taught you a valuable lesson! This is about the message, not the battle! Do not mess with the forces of goodness! Boooooooo! Come back to me!"

Elly van Houten: 28
Minsc: 27