Season 24, Week 2
Anna Zirski
(Phantasy Star 2)
The warriors of Phantasy Star have found great success in the RPGDL. Unfortunately, most of that success has been confined to the fourth game in the series, but perhaps the hunter Anna Zirski can change all that. Fast, deadly and beautiful, Anna is more than capable of taking down the reigning Light Champion, Jaffar. With her dual slashers, she can easily match the killer assassin blow for blow, and with her Shift and Ner skills, she can easily turn the tide in her favor. While Jaffar's killing edges may sting, Anna's far sturdier than the foes he fought in Light, and as such, she will be his executioner today.



Ah, the thrill of the fight. If there's anything that can wring a drop of emotion from Jaffar, it's the thought of squaring off in a battle to the death against a hunter like Anna. Although the woman looks as innocent as Jaffar looks deadly, she's no easy target. This hunter is tough and quick, and she's certainly not going to be a sitting duck like all the fools who lined up to die in Light. That's fine with Jaffar; he's in a new division, and ready for a new challenge. It'll be a test of the Assassin's Killer Edge against Anna's slicers ... and who's ever heard of boomerangs overcoming the touch of a razor-sharp sword?

A Guardian, well trained in the arts of killing man, machine and monster.

An Assassin, whose knives can kill even the strongest men in a single blow.

Both, evenly matched in power, Jaffar's superior fighting abilities at close quarters being countered by Anna's ranged Slashers.

The outcome was obvious.

Jaffar's sculpture won.

Anna's painting tends towards abstract, and while being a better painter than Jaffar is at molding clay, judges like Dryst and Bowser appreciate miniatures fighting a battle much more than they do a painting that someone has to explain for twenty minutes. (Dryst fell asleep first. Quite a feat, considering Bowser was the other judge.)

So, while Anna's better at art, Jaffar's better at reaching his audience. Jaffar, having won the artistic struggle, moves on to the next round.

Anna Zirski: 16
Jaffar: 31