Season 25, Week 3
Jessica De'Alkirk
(Lunar: Silver Star Story)
The bubbly, somewhat pushy daughter of Hel Mel De'Alkirk got her first win against the fellow cleric Viconia. Now that Jess has proved that she can combat evil, she will go against her next opponent.... the smooth, honorable, handsome ladies' man... the Dark Adonis! Well, that's nice and all, but there's a reason why his name is Mid-boss - and it's not his unmatchable power. You see, Mid-boss runs out of magic points in a hurry. Jessica runs people out in a hurry. Quite a predicament for Vyers in his quest to get a Middle title. The slaughter of a pretty boy will commence, and the beastgirl will advance.



Vyers is known as the Dark Adonis for a reason. His voting record in the Dark Congress is spotless, having slain any demon objecting his proposals. Vote for him, and he'll fiercely support you, citizen, restoring tyranny and oppression to your legislature. His opponent, on the other hand, is A HEALER. And the daughter of a man who calls himself "Hell" Mel, despite never serving in the Dark Congress or even BEEN to hell! Is this the kind of beast you need in your Dark Congress? Vote for the Beautiful Dark Beast, Dark Lord Vyers and vote for death. (Paid for by Mid-Bosses for Mid-Boss for Middle Champ)

Actually, Mid-Boss won this match quite handily.

However, since Mid-Boss winning gives you an ending, Jessica beat the game in a technical sense and hence got the win.

Poor Mid-Boss.

Jessica De'Alkirk: 42
Midboss: 35

Go Mid-Boss!