Season 26, Week 2
Ashton Anchors
(Star Ocean: The Second Story)
Ashton is fairly confident going into this match. Why, he’d even bet his favorite barrel for his victory. Not only Ashton has an edge in damage and durability, Lunn is... ahhh... less than stellar himself. And Ashton is counting on none of those lucky occurances. His two personal hellbeasts, Gyoro and Ururun, shall fetch him victory instead. All residents of the Lunar world know that one Dragon alone is a nigh-invincible beast; two, however? Unstoppable. Chances are Lunn shouldn't even bother, instead choosing to steal candy from children.



The leader of the Shadow Dragon Cult is ready to teach a painful lesson to the denizens of Middle this season. That Ashton thinks he's so strong with his swords and dragons, huh? However, all Lunn sees is a feeble overcompensating man. After all, who needs blades when your body itself is a lethal weapon? And who needs dragons when you are the Grand Master of the Blue Dragon Fist? With his speed, he'll strike the sluggish swordsman millionfold before he can even draw his blade. And if Ashton somehow manages to land a blow, Lunn's endurance and healing will see him through.

Anatomy of a Victory, Rube Goldberg style:

Ashton (a) trips over unsuspecting Myau (b), getting stuck in between two rungs of ladder (c). The top of the ladder hits Masamune (d), which falls and hits flower girl (e). The copious founts of blood (f) spill onto the ground and attracts Luca (g), whose laugh causes store window (h) to shatter. Shards of glass cut rope (i), sending overly large log (j) crashing into church bell (k), scattering the roosting Chocobos (l). A wing feather (m) drifts onto a sleeping Jaha's nose (n), causing him to sneeze, which blows miniature windmill (o), lifting crate (p) containing ball bearings (q). Crate then crashes to the ground, sending ball bearings down side street (r), piling up against plank (s), which collapses and lets loose balloon (t), tangling cord (u) into Nina's wings (v). Nina falls on target (w), releasing Suikoden squirrels (x) into training ground (y) disrupting Laharl (z), causing his meteor (aa) to collide with Lunn (bb), Ashton, and the visual record of this event (cc). Judges (dd) rule in Ashton's favor.

Ashton Anchors: 72
Lunn: 18
I would have given Ashton the win, but remember he is the unluckiest person alive. Something is going to happen and tarnish his win or disqualify him.