Season 27, Week 4
(Suikoden IV)
The battles so far had been fierce and taxing, but Sigurd is now one match away from something he had never even dreamed before: A place in the Middle finals and a chance to upgrade to Heavy. All that stands in his way is a female cleric, who unfortunately, can outdraw his Silent Lake with the annoying MBarrier. Still, the pirate's not worried. He still has plentiful amounts of healing, which is more than enough to outlast Alma's limited shots of Ultima. And once her MP stock's all dried up, well... there are few things sadder than a Final Fantasy mage without any spells to cast.



It's been a long, hard road, but at last it seems Alma Beoulve has had some luck. If she can just beat last season's Light Champion, she'll finally earn a chance for a long-deserved upgrade. That will be a little harder than it sounds, of course, as Sigurd's healing and Silent Lake spells will greatly tax Alma's resources. Still, Alma is a bit faster than her foe, letting her cast MBarrier before he can do anything. With that advantage and her boundless determination, Alma should be able to claim victory in this epic bout and finally stake her claim on the coveted championship.

Even in a world as strange and unconventional as the DL, change is an inevitable thing. Time flows, and the world is in flux. Mocked duellers rise, former champions fall, and new skills are gained as dimensions receive mystical boons known only as "Sequels," "Prequels," or "Remakes" from the Powers that Be.

In a world where the winds of change are ever so fickle, causing even the mightiest of angels to fall before the blade of a mad prince they had soundly trounced before, it's a comfort to see certain things remain the same.

"Silent Lake"

*gasp* *gasp* *thud*

Alma really should have learned her lesson from Season 4 and surgically attached a nose on her face by now.

Sigurd: 44
Alma Beoulve: 34