Season 30, Week 3
(Grandia 2)
The speedy android has already torn apart a cute little onion in the first step of her latest conquest of the Duelling League. She is obviously not going to show mercy to anyone, not even living vegetables, and CERTAINLY not evil, princess-kidnapping dinosaur villains. Bowser Koopa might have been able to use Terrorize to dominate the poor Centuar girl Mae, but his tricks won’t work on an android! The Fast Dance-Whirl will crush the sluggish super-villain before he can even blink, never mind giving him the time he'd need to set up the status effects he needs in order to stand a chance. Tio's going to avenge some princesses this week, in a victory that all of girl-kind should be happy for.



Who says Season XXX has to be all about the girls? The King of the Koopa will be coming off a sound thrashing of one puny female, and who better to crush this week than Tio? Her high speed is an advantage, true, but it's not going to help very much since Tio will struggle to do any significant damage to Bowser. Bowser himself won't have any trouble on that end, however; his punishing physicals will cut right through Tio's paltry defenses and may also keep her from charging up any of her more dangerous attacks. She also can't waste any time stat-buffing, or Bowser's attacks will have left her too close to death for it to matter. There's no way Tio's going to get the best of this spiky behemoth!

This match is a clash of two philosophies.

Bowser is a fighter who utilizes his Terrorize skill to leave his enemies helpless before him. This is also a good example of how he acts in general. He is the representation of fear in this fight.

Tio is a cute android who journeyed in order to learn, amongst other things, love. She ultimately learned what it meant to love others and to sacrifice oneself for them. She is the representation of love in this fight.

Machiavelli already told us who wins this one. Match to the Terrible Turtle.

Tio: 32
Bowser Koopa: 54