Season 31, Week 3
(Suikoden III)
The stolid wingman of Duke's band of mercs was responsible for one of the biggest upsets in DL history by knocking off the hugely popular Sheena in a close fight. With nothing more than an axe and excellent defense, he proved the power of Suikoden musclemen with a single victory. Taking down Arnaud G. Vasquez is a mightly daunting task, even so. He'll start the fight simply enough. Immuning all of Arnaud's status tricks gives him an edge that his fellow castmate Fubar lacked. High defenses of both types more or less shuts down Arnaud's offense, turning the fight into a long, brutal slog. It may not be a pretty or entertaining fight, but it's one that suits the near silent Nicolas to a T.



First Fubar, and now Nicolas... could it be that the entire Fire Bringer army is out to get Arnaud? How does he always get dragged into situations like this? No matter - the young drifter's razor-sharp intellect has gotten him past far tougher situations than a second pure brawler in as many matches. Once more, his foe will struggle to connect even a single blow against Arnaud's quick reflexes, and that's before considering how much much of a speed advantage Arnaud has over the sluggish Nicolas. It's simply a game of wearing him down with Arnaud's potent Hi-Blasts and casting supporting magic as needed. An axe to the face isn't a bad strategy, but even it pales before the might of Arnaud's brain!

Orson Carola
"WHAT?!? I'm supposed to fight ANOTHER Suikoscrub?!?" Arnaud screamed while reading the match seedings. "Well, maybe this time I'll make things less embarrassing for Nicky." And with that, Arnaud make a call to the league match supervisors for a change in the match plans.

On the day of the match, everyone was somewhat stunned to see not only Nicolas and Arnaud walking into the ring, but also Jude, Raquel, Yulie, Duke, Gau, and Elaine. You see, when Arnaud called for a change in match, he called for a 4 on 4, namely his own party vs Duke's 14th Unit. Eventually, Duke got lucky and took out Yulie, while Gau dispatched Jude. However, Raquel striked back, using Intrude and OHKOed Elaine, followed by a nearly lethal hit on Gau, who Arnaud finished. Soon after a while, all that was left was Arnaud and Nicolas. Arnaud was weakened greatly from the combat earlier, and, when Nicolas saw his opportunity calling, charged at Arnaud. Arnaud, with no stamina left to dodge, did the only thing that could win it for him:

He hit Nicolas in the face with a Hi Blast really hard.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Having a giant shield and axe is good way to get ahead in life, but it's hard to argue with a Hi-Blast to the face.

Nicolas: 17
Arnaud G. Vasquez: 66

Let it be known.

That with every ounce of flesh in my body.




Which is why I'm glad Nicolas can take the hits long enough to smash Arnaud's face in.

Too bad Arnaud has evasion.

The problem for Nicolas is that Arnaud's status ailments affect the ground. And other then a Dispel there is no way around "Lock Out"