Season 36, Week 1
(Suikoden III)
The bizarre winger Landis has come to inflict his peculiar brand of madness and "humor" on Middle. He is quite pleased to be the first to welcome Yang to his new division. A great big loss would be the perfect gift for such an occasion, don't you think? Landis certainly does. He's got all the tricks to make it happen, too. With his excellent Freeze skill to make Yang stop in his tracks and lose turns, as well as his potent Draining Rune to keep himself afloat against the monk's sub-par damage, this fight is as good as won. Better watch your back, Yang - the boogieman is comin' for ya'!



Achoo! With a pulverizing kick, punches strong enough to break mountains, and the durability to survive being shot out of a transcontinental cannon, the kung-fu monk decimates all in his path! A single kick can wipe out a contingent of monsters and his claws bring confusion, poison and worse! So really, what can a creepy freak do when his scythe arm is paralyzed? What can Landis do when he can't tell who his real enemy is? Landis' pathetically slow speed will spell his doom - he'll be under the weather before he can even strike the first blow in his "battle" against Yang.


Yang is a kung fu fighter. Landis is an emogoth with a big scythe. Do I have to draw you a diagram on how this go-oh, okay, I do. See, Yang takes the scythe once he put Landis to sleep, KARATE CHOPS it into chunks, and uses them to perforate all sorts of soft, warm, bleeding parts of the Winger's body.


Landis: 31
Yang: 58