Season 36, Week 4
(Legaia: Duel Saga)
It's a match of true opposites. Age against youth, calm against rage, ESP against martial arts...this promises to be quite a spectacle. Of course, given Kazan’s ability to summon a massive Earth Guardian or deal overkill damage with his fists, many of his matches are spectacles. While this whippersnapper Halley has respectable healing, his lackluster damage will give Kazan ample opportunity to build up to his feared Mystic Art Fists of Stone, an attack that few Middles can hope to live through. Such pain will teach that hooligan Halley not to take Kazan lightly, and to stay off his lawn once and for all!



London street rat Halley Brankett returns for a third consecutive week of RPGDL action. Having taken down a pair of honorable heroes with his sharp wits and advanced ESP powers, he now takes aim at a crotchety old man. Kazan will be an easy match for the strapping young lad - the old martial artist's damage outside his Mystic Art is poor, and easily healed, which gives Halley all the time in the world to land one of his multiple deadly status attacks on his foe. A simple victory, and one which will secure Halley both a trip to the finals, and a chance to upgrade back to his rightful division.

Maya shook her head in disgust, "I can't believe you talked that poor boy into a drinking contest as well."

Chuckling under his breath, the old martial arts master took another sip of his sake and gestured to the drunk and unconscious form of Halley on the other side of the table, "He isn't hurt, is he? Just think of it as an object lesson. Next time, he won't be in such a hurry to get drunk before he's old enough."

Rolling her eyes at the old man, Maya called in Lang to carry Halley back to his room so he could sleep it off. She also wanted to make sure that Halley, unlike Kazan's last opponent, didn't end up stumbling into someone else's room and causing them a whole lot of trouble.

It didn't work, of course. Just like before, the boy woke up in Zidane's bed wearing a rather...unusual outfit. Nobody really figured Halley for the bellydancing type, after all.

Once again, Zidane protested ignorance and innocence. Once again, nobody believed him and he got beaten senseless by Yuri, Koudelka and Albedo(the latter seemed to be pissed at Zidane for 'horning it on his turf').

Meanwhile, Kuja seems to be in the best mood he's ever been in since his last Godlike title, and even the mere sight of alcohol is enough to send him into a rather creepy giggling fit...

Kazan: 45
Halley Brancket: 11

Clearly, Halley is not worthy. Think about it a moment! Sure, he can fight for a while, but merely crossing fists with Kazan does something amazing to him! With each round his sanity crumbles like old bread. So, just by being in combat with him his mind is under incredible pressure. Can you really imagine him actually BEATING KAZAN when he's already self destructing?
