Season 41, Week 2
(Breath of Fire)
As a former Light champion, not to mention an apparent magic user who relies more on physical strength in practice, Sara has a lot in common with Elly van Houten. But whereas Elly was able to crush the RPGDL's lowliest division with her sleep status, Sara was able to do it with her ability to take almost endless punishment, particularly physical, while retributing with respectable offense herself. It goes without saying which of these talents will be most valuable in the coming match. Sara's evade-ignoring draconic breath attacks will make short work of Elly's fragile frame, and her immunity to the Sleep status will leave the Gebler officer without any prayer of victory at all. Elly will learn what Shiba learned last week: the power of a dragon is not to be trifled with.



Elly's taken many mantles over the years. This one, however... it handily surpasses them all. Say hello to Pretty Sailor Soldier Van Houten! YES!!!! Inspired by the glorious examples of Magical Girl Ghaleon and others, Elly has forsaken the dull attire of a soldier and went for the full freak show effect to pound this dragon into dirt. Insane? Mind-boggling? Sure. But there's method to her madness. The powers of such a vaunted title are sure to befuddle the straightlaced Sara, giving Elly a chance to dispatch pain with her Solarian Justice Strikes! That skimpy outfit can't hide the innate toughness of a Solaris officer. It's time to up the camp, increase the humor - and strike in a brutal fashion befitting Elly's military roots. In the name of Solaris, Elly shall punish you!

Two young women.

Notable for their weakness. After all, they were Middles!

Clearly they were prime targets.


"So Elly just stepped on them all in Vierge." Fei finished, with a shrug. "Said something about having to put up with being fanservice enough already. It lost her the match, naturally."

"I don't suppose I can blame her, for all that it cost her the match." Citan replied, nodding slowly. "Though, I can't help but notice that the perverts plans are getting less and less effective...after all, just rushing the arena like that? In large, obvious group? It was almost as though they wanted her to..." Citan trailed off, a puzzled look on his face. "...Excuse me, Fei." Citan said quickly, rushing off and leaving a puzzled Fei behind.


Elly woke slowly.

What'd happened?

She remembered stepping on Bart in Vierge, and walking out the arena, still angry about having lost the match, and then...

And then the click of the camera alerted her.

She awoke to stare into Sara's surprised eyes.


"...god damnit, Edge, how the hell did you manage to do that in the same day as..." Yuri trailed off, as he stared at the pictures of Sara and Elly in lingerie.

"Offer to give a monkey a copy of the pictures and it turns out even he can pull off a simple plan." Edge shrugged. "Put knockout gas in Vierge's O2 tanks, put knockout gas tanks on the people it steps on-don't ask me how Sten talked them into that, but somehow they're dumber than him, so I'm not stunned anyways." He grinned. "And then quick positioning and a lot of quick photos. I still like the oil painting best, though."

"...This has been entirely too good of a day for you." Yuri noted.


Citan sighed, as he backed away from the door.

Well, at least he had blackmail material on two of the most influential people in the league.

You never know when that will come in handy. And Citan always knows when to use things to his own advantage.

Sara: 38
Elly van Houten: 16

Lezard Valeth
Take one Ether Doubler, add an EP reducing accessory and at least two power rod on Vierge and you have one monstrous Elly.

Okay so it maybe a little over-powered but a win is a win.

"Well another pasted dueller to clean", Odin grumbled.