Season 45, Week 4
(Breath of Fire II)
Hahaha! Dispatching opponent after opponent with his handy dandy Death spell, the french frog prince has his eyes on a second championship, and his cap set to repeat the success of his castmate Nina oh so many seasons ago! This time, he's up against a clever and cunning conniver in the form of the Necromancer of Malkuth, Colonel Jade Curtiss. A frightening foe, to be sure, or at least he would be if not for one small problem. Jade has absolutely no defense against Instant Death magic. Much like every other fight he's won recently, Jean is just going to walk in, cast Death, and take his victory bow. Simple as that.



As Jade moves up the ranks in Middle, the opponents seem determined to become stranger and stranger. We've now gotten to the "frog prince complete with bad French accent" stage, meaning whatever they've been saving for the finals must be truly mindrending. Of course, Jade's always up to a mental challenge, so tackling this fly-eating mountain is absolute. Towards that end, Jade will want to employ his most powerful and speediest Artes, because a battle with Jean is entirely a race against his Death spell. But considering Jean's own amphibian sluggishness and the devastating power of Meteor Storm, that should be no challenge at all.

Magic Fanatic
Walking Death Spell.

There was a time when everyone knew the frog prince by his actual name. Now, however, they just call him WDS or something similar.

It's not like he notices it, being locked up in his room all the time, painting. Ryu2 just has the job of keeping the rest of Jade's underlings from attacking the kooky royalty.

It's not like they'd be able to do anything, anyway. Relm was in there too, critiquing his masterpiece.

Does that not sound threatening enough?

They had also convinced Kurando to pose for the painter. You don't mess with tasteful art around him.

Jean: 32
Jade Curtiss: 20