Season 47, Week 2
Beowulf Kadmus
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
Shrine Knight Beowulf's got it easy this week, it seems. A canine archer of sorts, with healing, magic, okay damage... and not a lick of status resistance to his name. From Chicken to Petrify, Don't Act to Blind, he's got an expansive variety of statuses to choose from, and almost any of them will reduce his opponent's chances of winning to nil - and after a mantle and shield get thrown on, the hunter'll be left with absolutely nothing to try against him. Can anyone provide Beowulf with a decent challenge?!



Forest Clan hero, and ally to the first of many Ryus to follow, the canine hunter is ready for action! With his moderate magic supply, high powered bow and arrow, and solid base stats, he's ready to face whatever comes after him! His opponent happens to be not exactly the fastest of targets either, and not the hardest of hitting, so perhaps that Cura spell could come in handy too! There's nothing that can go wrong in this match, no sirree! It's not like his opponent has status of any sort, right?

As is usual fare when two opponents find it too distasteful to fight each other, an alternative contest is called. This time, it was an eating competition. Beowulf started out faster, but Bo managed to outpace him at the Choconuggets section...

...and then Beowulf turned Bo into a statue and finished the contest.

Bo later retaliated by dropping Ox on Beowulf while he was digesting his food, but that's neither here nor there.

Beowulf Kadmus: 55
Bo: 8