Season 49, Week 2
(Grandia 3)
Kornell, master of BUSTING, has a grudge to settle! His last time in the arena, a squeaky little girl from the Fire Emblem series somehow managed to sneak up behind him and knock him out, or bewitch him, or... something, okay!? It was even more humiliating than when Miranda strung him up on that tree! He's trying to repress the horrible horrible memories here as to what exactly happened, but the point is that Fire Emblemites need to pay for their impudence, and the fact that Caellach is from a different continent sure isn't going to stop Kornell from taking things out on him. Kornell's Iron Fist has WOW! to buff the powerful BUSTER into a monstrosity, and Kornell's durability and defense aren't shabby either. Fiendish Fire Emblemite, prepare to be BUSTED!



Caellach, itinerant mercenary-cum-general, takes events in stride. Sure, currently he's toadying to an insane possessed pretty boy prince, but his time will come soon enough. All he has to do is defeat some annoying Renais soldiers, let his current bosses screw up, and someday power will be his! Maybe not the best plan, but it's better than his opposition's. What's Kornell up to, anyway? A henchman with so little motivation deserves no respect. Perhaps hitting him with an axe repeatedly would shape him up? It's worth a try, at least. Caellech's impressive defense should easily hold off Kornell's lesser blows, and his infamous Buster lags Kornell's turn rather badly. Caellach's old buddy Joshua would agree - this is really no more than a warm-up fight.

"I'll knock some sense into you! This ain't gonna be pretty...Kornell BUSTER!" And with a mighty throw and those famous lines, Kornell managed to dispatch Caellach...the other combatant obviously not used to being uppercut several feet into the air before being brought down over his back, as he slumped on the ground

"So, what -is- his obsession with that 'buster' thing anyway? You'd think he was pretending to be one of those superheroes," Billy asked from the judges' box. At least the match had gone rather normally...

"Oh. He always wanted to be in a fighting game. We heard it all the time while he was actually helping Emelious," Violetta replied. "Buster this, buster that...would you believe how annoying it was? We had to take away his minions after he was using them for additional 'practice'," she continued, rolling her eyes.

"Fighting game? ...huh."

"That's not the worse of it. He sent out multiple requests for his 'idea.' Unsurprisingly, they were all rejected. Not even Luther would touch them."

"So, uh, is that why he disappeared all of a...?"

"Yeah, he got tired of everything we were doing with Xorn and just up and left. I wonder how he's--"

"Don't even ask." the president of Sphere Corporation cut in. "He's been sending them out as soon as he got in the League. I swear, if I have to put up with another flood of proposals for 'Grandia Gear X Plus Slash Octothorpe' or whatever he keeps calling it, I'm going to lock him in a closet with Belzeber..."

Billy's mouth dropped in astonishment. "...that's...what it's called?"

Violetta buried her face in her palm, embarassment and shame about how someone as -great- as Emelious could've chosen someone like Kornell welling up within her.

Luther took this opportunity to excuse himself before he could be seen.

Kornell: 28
Caellach: 9