Season 49, Week 4
(Grandia 3)
No one, even small girls - actually, scratch that, ESPECIALLY SMALL GIRLS - will be allowed to stand in the way of the great Kornell! With his dreaded Iron Fist doling out steel-clad strikes, Kornell is ever so adept at crushing the frail! And, luckily for our villain, Eiko's the definition of frailty. While her default equips may null his elemental damage, Kornell still has the combination of WOW! and Kornell Buster to wreak havoc upon the annoying little summoner. And with his Iron Fist as back-up, not even Eiko’s protection and healing magics will be enough to stop this stone-hardened fighter. And summons? Kornell has faced the might of Drak! Compared to that metaphorical mastiff, Eiko’s Eidolons are like little Chihuahuas facing against a dreaded dragon.



Whoohoo! Two fights down and two more to go. Eiko knows that nothing short of a championship will win her the heart of her hero(and don't try to tell her that won't be enough. Let a girl have her dreams, okay!?), so she's not about to stop here. And after taking down a scary assassin and the unequaled might of a combat butler, what's some giant meathead going to do? Okay, he might resist her status attacks, but she still has protect and haste to give her the edge, as well as all the healing and holy damage you could ask for. To prove that she should have been the love interest all along, Eiko will take Kornell down and advance to the finals! (...wait, what do you mean that wouldn't prove anything?)

Kornell was all set to beat the snot out of some annoying kid for his spot in the finals. He had everything he needed to do the job, too. Tons of muscle, the will to succeed against all odds, the mighty Kornell Buster, and most importantly a full host of boss immunities for her pesky status. There was simply no way he was going to lose this fight.

And it would seem that his opponent agreed with him, considering she never showed...


*Earlier that day, Madain Sari*

"Kupo! A letter's here for you Eiko!"

Eiko blinked as one of her moogle friends announced that bit of news, "A letter? Who from?"

"It says from the offices of Dr. Ray Palmer and Dr. Ryan Choi."

Now she was confused, "But...I'm a white mage. I don't need to see any doctors. Eh, bring it over here anyway."

Taking the letter from her friend, the little summoner's eyes went wide as she read it, "This invitation!? To be a...but...I have to go today..."

"Don't you have a fight today, kupo?"

"I...I think this is more important. This could change everything!"


In other, surely unrelated news, there have been recent sightings of a new superhero in town. Calling herself Mini-Maid, this newest caped crimefighter is reported to deal with criminals by reducing them to miniscule size and leaving them in jars for the police to take in...

Kornell: 25
Eiko Carol: 18