Season 6, Week 1
Eiko Carol
(Final Fantasy IX)
Eiko isn't a a very fearsome healer. Much like Porom, she uses the tried and true Tactical Nuclear Holy-Cure tactic. Her support magic is pretty good, too- Haste boosts her anemic speed to respectable levels, making her far faster than the very average Philia. With her elemental resisting equipment further dampening Philia's damage, Eiko shouldn't have trouble getting the win.



DIVINE POWER! DIVINE POWER! DIVINE POWEEEEEEEERRRRRRR! For Philia to overcome Eiko and her White Magic, she will have to spare no expense and fling her best magic from the start. If Eiko can heal a few times and run Philia out of MP, her swordsmanship will have to win the day. That's not an option for the Straylize priestess if she wishes to advance past round one.

Before the match, Eiko decided to make herself a special meal of Oglop Stew. One of the oglops, however, was ill, which gave her food poisoning. Philia wins by default, thanks to Eiko being in a comatose state.

Eiko Carol: 2
Philia Felice: 6