Season 53, Week 4
Yulie Ahtreide
(Wild ARMs 4)
A lacy skirt flows in the breeze as this Middle competitor heads to the semi-finals! This is Yulie, not Ashton, to be perfectly clear - though lacy skirts would not be the worst prank Ashton's dragons have pulled on him. Her triple rings have certainly put on a magic show thus far this season as she attempts to catch up with both Arnaud and Raquel's success in the DL. So abra cadabra, it's Yulie's time to shine! Ashton's certainly a zippy fighter who can put some pressure on Yulie, but despite her frailty, she's got nigh-infinite resources to work with. Her buffing and healing game can stall out Ashton indefinitely if need be, so if she plays her cards right she'll be linking to... a Middle Championship!



Quick, someone check the temperature in Hell! Things are actually going right for once for Ashton! He's actually reached the semi-finals, and look! His enemy is just a little girl who can't evade worth beans and takes hit like, well, a little girl! Breathe... breathe... no need to overreact and get all overconfident. Who knows what tricks that little mage may have up her sleeve? Well, not that it'll matter much. All he'll have to do is take her down with a well-placed Sword Dance before she can cast a spell and finally claim his well-deserved ticket to the finals. Heck, one of his weaker but faster Hurricane Slashes might even do the trick. Ah... what a novel feeling to have Lady Luck actually smiling down on him for once...


Ashton dashed towards Yulie at breakneck speed, his coat and hair flapping in the wind as he bore down on his target.

Yulie began to chant a spell.

Feeling that he's close enough, Ashton pulled his blades forward as he initiated his most powerful move.

Yulie took a few steps back.

Ashton's swords swung in a manner that was somehow both wild yet graceful. Pleasing and frightening to behold, Ashton's Sword Dance sliced through the air with deadly precision.

Yulie casted Replace.

Ashton blinked in confusion as his quarry disappeared from his sight. Confusion was followed by the all-to-familiar pang of dread he gets when the universe was being a meanie to him as he suddenly found himself Sword Dancing off the ring.

One unceremonious crash from the hapless swordsman later, and Yulie, who was now standing some feet closer to the center of the ring after switching places with Ashton, was declared the winner via ring-out.

Yulie Ahtreide: 22
Ashton Anchors: 21