Season 54, Week 1
Anna Lemouri
(Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis)
Dusty, dusty! Hopefully this dreadfully dirty arena won't sully Anna's debut in the RPGDL. Maybe the judges will let her clean it as a prize if she wins? But we musn't get ahead of ourselves. After all, her opponent Vormav hasn't seen the inside of the arena since Season 14; he's as hungry to prove himself as she is. Luckily, Anna's got speed on her side, as well as some supremely damaging skills like Dancing Blade Chaos and S-Type Shadow Chase. She'll run out of steam pretty quickly, but an all-out blitz from this pint-sized swordswoman is something for competitors from all divisions to fear. Vormav just doesn't have the durability to outlast it or the damage to stop it. We should get Anna a broom right now.



How many lie dead at the hands of Vormav? At least the knights of Riovanes Castle, Izlude and far many more. Now some whelp of a girl with a samurai sword thinks she can stop Vormav? Hah! The reality of the situation will be hard and deadly to the young maiden, for Vormav will not hold back his wrath. The power of his Mighty Sword will crush Anna's equipment into dust. Her vaunted sword will snap into two and her armor will break into shards that pierce her heart. Anna will attempt to survive this with speed and trickery, but what value are these against the overwhelming might a Divine Knight and Lucavi possesses? Not very much. Anna is broken, shattered and just another body at Vormav's feet.

Broken sword, broken armor, broken girl. It all breaks apart. Vormav not only wins, but he inspires a famous emo band with those very lyrics. Altima would be proud of him.

Anna Lemouri: 14
Vormav Tingel: 21