Season 54, Week 2
(Suikoden IV)
Don't let her past performance deceive you: the loss to Elaine was merely a fluke. Mizuki's ready to bring it back, and she's got herself a championship to win! Her first adversary has proven to already be a good one, at least. Amarant and Mizuki share several things in common, from their expertise with claws to their use of ninjitsu and martial arts. Amarant might seem a daunting foe with his powerful throw attacks, but the question remains if they'll be enough to take her down. With her Shrike Rune, Amarant won't have much of a chance himself to obtain victory. And with her superior speed, Mizuki should be able to end this fight before he does. Only three more to go!



The Flaming Salamander is back to terrorize the ranks of the Duelling League once more, and his first opponent is... Hrm? Another thief/ninja mixup? Tch, not like the ones Amarant's used to dealing with, not at all. This one would prefer a weapon that he's much more familiar with himself. Still, despite their similarities, this fight shouldn't be any trouble at all - the burning ninja has a Wing Edge ready and waiting just for her, and the scarlet-haired mercenary won't hesitate to take her out. And if that somehow fails to finish her, he can back it up with his Chakra healing to draw the fight out. This Middle Championship belongs to him, and he'll do whatever it takes to win it.


Ninja vs Ninja, eh? Mizuki wins for one reason - Amarant is a poser. He acts the part but he just kinda shuffles around. Meanwhile, Mizuki gets in place and lets rip the world's biggest backstab.

Mizuki: 28
Amarant Coral: 9