Season 8, Week 1
(Arc the Lad Collection)
Sania may be an adept fortune-teller, but not her even crystal ball will help her see if she will advance in her first RPGDL match. Sania's best technique, Sania's beat techique, the highly accurate Dark Destructor, may be weakened by Cador's innate resistance to darkness attacks. If that happens, Sania can still try to defeat the Death Knight by using X-Cryte to effectively counter all of Cador's attacks and Divide to steal his HP, wearing out the normally tankish knight in a matter of turns.



Death Knights are a fearsome opponent for any Middle, Sania certainly included. Cador's very being is soaked in the foulest darkness, so much that Sania's dark aligned attacks will have little effect against him. Using that advantage will be key, as Sania's offense takes a major hit without those crucial attacks. Cador will have to strike hard and strike fast, but when his Dolorous Stroke attack comes into play, it'll be all over for his opponent.

OK of Solaris
Man, have you seen Sania? She hot! I mean, Cador has the Death Knight badassitude going for him, but Sania has boobs. Boobs man, boobs! Mmmmm....big, beautiful...uh, victory! Yes! Sania for Middle champ!

Sania: 9
Cador: 8