Season 8, Week 2
Alma Beoulve
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
At first glance, many may dismiss Alma as merely one of the frail teenaged sorceresses that are dime-a-dozen at the DL; however, those who do so are only partially right. Alma is indeed teenaged, and her combination of the famed Ultima, MBarrier, and high magic power make her a formidable magess. However, she is far from frail, her longevity so high that she could give even the famed Cidolfas Orlandu a few tips on how to take a hit. And this fact will secure her victory as she faces an opponent who plays to both her strengths. With a mediocre physical and even worse magic defense, Kwanda has little chance against the young noble.



"Iron Wall" Kwanda Rosman has little to fear from his opponent this week. Though Alma's a powerful cleric, she's still a cleric: staff whackings won't do anything to Kwanda's reinforced armour. And while Alma lacks the offensive punch to pierce the Iron Wall's defenses, the same is not true of Kwanda, who packs quite a punch for a pure fighter. With a little perseverance, Kwanda should easily be able to overcome the stalwart Cleric's restorative magic, and fight his way to a victory.

Hunter Sopko
Has a big, burly knight EVER beaten an innocent little girl? Wait... don't answer that... umm... let's just say Alma wins this match and leave it at that, okay?

Alma Beoulve: 30
Kwanda Rosman: 10

"Mediocre Physical" my butt.