Season 10, Week 4
Gafgarion, Gaff
(Final Fantasy Tactics)
With Sheena Lepant behind him, Gafgarion can afford to rest on his Quarterfinals' laurels. He's put past him a tough battle, and now faces Cait Sith. His boss form will be put to good use, as its innate immunities and equipment should guard against the kitty's Transform trick. He then can put his better speed and solid parastic healing to the test, outlasting Cait Sith's moogle-powered offense. With no threatening limit awaiting him when his opponent reaches low life, it should be business as usual for the merc, and easy for him to make his way to the Finals.



Cait Sith's facing a whole new type of battle against Gafgarion this week. Thanks to his opponent's draw of equipment and his patented Dark Sword skills, Cait's trademark Transform materia will be of little use. That doesn't mean it's all over for Cait Sith, though: he'll get at least one of his boosted physicals in against Gafgarion, and then he can rely on his limits for additional damage and healing. While it isn't the most reliable of plans, it might very well be enough to put away the Dark Knight who challenges him this week.

metriod composite
Well Gafgarion vs Cait Sith seems close, untill you realize


CAIT SITH IS THE OVERPOWERED MAIN OF FF7! But what about that SpikyHair dude, you say? Pfft, Aeris just put him in charge because she thought he was hot (and who wouldn't? Even Sephiroth wants him). No, clearly Cait Sith is the main of FF7. Who decides the group should collect huge materia? Cait Sith. Who decides to save Midgar from the weapon? Cait Sith again. Who saves Tifa and Barret from Shinra? Cait Sith. Who manages to attain ownership of an airship? Cait Sith once more. Who finds a way to extract the black materia from the runes? Cait Sith. Just about everything the party does is dictated by Cait Sith, but the rest of them don't notice since they're all too distracted by Cloud's scizophrenia, and thus are simply fooled by the easily manipulable puppet "leaders" such as Cid installed by, you guessed it, Cait Sith.

"So what about the overpowered bit?" you ask. Well Cait Sith starts with this uber-powerful Transform materia which can turn Gafgarion into a Frog, even in Gaffy's boss form! Isn't that overpowered enough for you?

So...brutally overpowered main, or random human boss who you dispatch partway through Chapter 2? I think the winner is obvious.

Gafgarion, Gaff: 27
Cait Sith: 31