Season 13, Week 2
(Suikoden III)
Ace comes into this match fighting not as much an opponent as the mirror image of himself - Both men like to drink, both enjoy flirting with the ladies, and both constantly argue with a mage ally for the aforementioned tendencies. And of course, both excel at physical fighting. Ace might not be able to take hits as well as his opponent, but he's a good deal faster and more evasive than his sluggish foe. And of course, Double Tusk is around for use in case of a pinch, but this is Ace! Its not like he'd ever find himself getting into trouble, right?



After getting slaughtered by Garnet back in season IV, Kyle's second opponent is a lot less difficult (though - alas - also a lot less desirable). Kyle should easily figure out his foe, though not entirely because they're both alcholic womanizers. What's there to figure out, after all? Ace doesn’t have much beyond his menial physical, while Kyle has various techs to ensure his victory. A quick victory in a slugfest will be all it takes for Kyle to pick up his first League win and reach the quarterfinals.

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
Second best physical in Lunar? Check.

Efficient way of hitting opponent? Check.

No noticeable healing for said opponent? Check.

Opponent splattered across the wall with sword of choice. Check and double check.

When the worst your opponent can do to you is hit you with a semi-decent move that unbalances himself... a move that doesn't even rank up there in their game... I think it's safe to say that Kyle is going in swinging, and leaving with corpses...

Ace: 8
Kyle: 42