Season 17, Week 1
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
Nino must be very popular. It barely feels like three seasons have passed since her struggling defeat against the evil gunslinger Balk Fenzol and she's already back and ready to bring Fire Emblem its second Middle championship. And of all coincidences, Nino faces yet another shooter, who calls by the name of Opera Vectra. But, unlike Balk, Nino has very little to fear against Vectra's kaleidoscope. Despite her three eyes, the Tetragene isn't particularly accurate, and she should fall easily to Nino's speedy and deadly elemental magics. It's child's play to evade here and there while smiting the alien with her painful spells, and Nino has an easy win this time. May the Fire Emblem flood continue!



16 full seasons have passed since Opera fought in the original Heavy tournament, and she is going to prove that her fighting skills haven't rusted one bit since then. Her opponent, Nino, is a gifted young magess, whose spells might be too much for Opera to handle in a damage race - if it weren't for one very important thing Opera has over her opponent: healing. With careful balance between attacks and healing, the Tetragene should be able to thwart the Fire Emblem invasion and advance to the next round without much trouble.

The deciding factor of this match isn’t the fighter themselves, but their significant others.

Opera is married to an Indiana Jones wannabe with a sense of direction that makes Columbus look like a competent explorer.

Nino, meanwhile, is married to an assassin.

So while Ernest was doing his best imitation of the Ark of the Covenant in the Raiders of the Lost Ark again, Nino was being announced the winner by default due to Opera suddenly suffering from spontaneous lacerations all over her body an hour before the match.

Nino: 25
Opera Vectra: 19