Season 20, Week 3
(Chrono Trigger)
Samurai smashing fun for all was enjoyed last week, and our favorite battle bot's next exotic victim is the lover of a Contact. Robo faces a trick fighter who relies on her sleep status to win every fight, but now her opponent is simply immune to that particular trick. Elly is therefore reduced to being a weak, slow fighter with poor defenses, which is the last thing you want to be against Robo's powerful Uzzi Punch and his deep reserves of healing. This week, we'll watch as the presumptuous light champion learns a lesson about status reliance from an emotionless steel nightmare.



Prometheus, meet your shackler. The Gebler soldier Elhaym van Houten is prepared for all enemies, be they human or tin can. While she is slow and not exceptionally durable, both weakness emphasized by Robo's famed Uzzi Punch, she has plenty of ways to void a few warranties in the robot's circuitry: mighty ethers, rod beatings, you name it. And, if worst comes to worst, she can just zap the bot with a well-placed Anemo Zap. Elly is determined to instill in middle the proper respect befitting a deserving champion, and if she can prove herself to be more than her notorious status, so much the better.

Elly's tactics are fairly simple and effective. Grab your staff, and beat the enemy senseless with it, knocking them to sleep and continue beating them 'til they're dead.

Granted, there's two flaws with that strategy:
Flaw #1: Doesn't work on status immune folk.
Flaw #2: Doesn't work when your enemy is faster and has big massive damage that smacks your low defense and kills you before you go.

Robo decides its cute to take advantage of both flaws.

Robo: 45
Elly van Houten: 17