Season 23, Week 1
(Wild Arms 2)
Odessa's sadistic sniper has waited a long time for his first match. Fortunately, his debut seems auspicious: Joachim Valentine is the perfect sort of prey for Judecca both in temperament and in tactics: there's nothing more satisfying than showing a dense do-gooder the error of his ways. Judecca has the better of his foe in speed and damage - not to mention his counterstrikes, which can take Joachim by surprise in no time. The gunslinger will riddle the stupid wrestler in bullets faster than he can say "Oops! My glasses are slipping off."



The Duelling League is saved, for a Great Papillion of chivalry has returned to defend it from all evildoers! While the greatest of evils lies in the higher divisions, Judecca deserves to feel the unfettered fury of Joachim’s rippling muscles just as well. The sadistic Cocytus gunslinger is an all-out bad guy, and Joachim will be at his peak for this epic battle! It will be a grueling contest of blood and sweat, Myriam striking tough vampiric flesh as Judecca faces the might of Artem Buster, but Good always triumphs over Evil, guaranteeing Joachim's superiority this week!

The aftermath of today's match is something that psychologists the world round will take great pride in for years to come.

On one side, we have a psychotic maniac who carries around lots of guns, looooots of guns. The other, we have a gay vampire who bludgeons people to death with large objects. Being confronted with this Judecca's fragile mind shattered just that little bit more. What was he compensating for so much with all these guns? Why did it make him feel so odd to shoot this gay vampire walking around with that huge log? Oh sure, Judecca won, he shot that vampire up real good. Every grunt and groan just adding to the ... strangeness.

Freud loves ya baby.

Judecca: 28
Joachim Valentine: 23