Season 31, Week 3
Eiko Carol
(Final Fantasy IX)
Although small girls don't have much of a reputation for being able to take many hits or do anything of note, Eiko is hardly a normal little girl. She can summon entities to do her bidding or use white magic to heal, buff, and even pack a punch with Holy. This week she fights a worthy adversary in General Viper, a brutally strong and tough opponent with one shot of full-healing, which will extend the fight. But her healing and elemental resistance should win the day, as Viper has no way to handle her almost endless supply of healing. Maybe Viper will reach the finals someday, but it's Eiko's time to shine.



A second fight, a second little girl for Viper to beat up. And while he might feel some reticence at first, after he hears Eiko blabber on about her love Zidane for a minute or so, he’ll be in a rush to shut her up once and for all - and his unique sword, Viper’s Venom, will be the perfect tool for ending a fight quickly. It’s strong damage chained together with one of Viper’s vicious techs will be sure to take out the pansy Eiko in one fell swoop. And while her healing and defensive spells may keep her alive for a while, Viper also has his own healing in Flagbearer. Viper'll beat respect into that young whippersnapper.

Knowing the strain this match would have on him, Viper decided to bring in as many flags as he can. Afterall, if he can heal with the skill Flagbearer, he can surely do the same with other flags too.

And thus was the folly of his plan.

See, Viper forgot that he needed to set those flags as techniques in order to use them.

So while he waved around a bunch of flags repeatedly like a total fool, Eiko eventually got her Mini spell to work. The result was not pretty as the flag proceeded to fall and crush the tiny Viper without trouble.

Eiko Carol: 81
Viper: 27

While Viper and Radius have an astonishingly impressive doubletech (apparently they're in good shape for bein old guys) Here in the DL Radius can only watch, not participate lest his old friend should be disqualified. Viper's Venom is also a distinct advantage he COULD have against his opponent. Unfortunately his opponent is Eiko. Here are some good reason's why viper won't win this fight.
1. Protect
2. Shell
3. Haste
4. Reflect
5. Curaga
6. Terra Homing
7. 99 Phoenix Pinions
...Looks like Eiko's on a roll. She may even have a shot at the Middle Finals.

Lurking Registered User
"This match is protected by Viper! Stand back!"

Oh, wait. Eiko has FullCure and isn't heal-locked. Looks like she's stealing the match after all...