Season 34, Week 3
(Suikoden III)
The name of the game this week is distraction - shiny, power-laced distraction. Kyle's a devoted Queen's Knight, who served loyally under Arshtat. Sadly, however, he's also a world-class ladies' man and all-around lecherous hornball, leaving him wide open to Yumi's... ahem... talents. Yes, her unique and wondrous talents. It may not be very sporting for the Alma Kinan archer to call Yuiri down to the ring for a private show to the womanizer Kyle. On the other hand, 'tis far more sporting than viciously pummeling him with earth magic and searing arrows while he's... um... so very distracted. Sure, may sound unfair, but this is a fight to the death, not a duel between fancy-schmancy nobles; such are the vicissitudes of war. And hey, it's extremely unlikely that Kyle will object anyway.



Man, there’s nothing Kyle hates more than having to beat up a pretty girl, even if the girl in question would never be interested in him in the slightest. It’s the principle of the thing, really. But you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do, and he isn’t about to let the Prince and Lady Sialeeds down by flaking out. In the arena, Yumi and Kyle have a lot in common. Both are accomplished fighters and mages, equally comfortable with mix-matching weapons and spells, and neither are scared about the prospect of a Silent Lake. But Kyle has more advantages in this fight than just the classic Water Rune trick of magic-stopping: he has plenty of shots of Water’s other famous spell, Kindness Drops, which will let him heal past her attacks while she has no way to recover from his. All things considered, this match is really as simple as Healing vs. No Healing.

It was a good plan, really. Yumi made sure that Kyle had a good view of her and Yuiri making out when the match started, and just as planned, the lecherous Queen’s Knight just sat back and enjoyed the show instead of attacking. Everything seemed to be going perfectly until Yumi brought her hand up to cast a quick Earthquake spell on the distracted Kyle, hopefully to end the match in one blow.

You see, it seems that Yumi was far more distracted by Yuiri nibbling on her neck then Kyle was. As the Kinain archer began her spell, Kyle darted forward with great speed and in one fluid motion, severed the tendons in her casting wrist.

Staring at her wound in shock, Yumi could only stand there in stunned silence, while Yuiri brought up her crossbow to defend her now defenseless love. Kyle, however, simply sheathed his sword and reached for Yumi’s arm, “Come on, just call the match and I’ll heal that up for you. You can’t beat me like that anyway, right? So how about it?”

Seeing no other options, Yumi just nodded her assent and called the match. True to his word, Kyle healed her arm and grinned at the two girls, “Come on, you should’ve known better then to try that on me. I’m from Falena, lesbians are a dime a dozen around there. No hard feelings though, right? How about you let me buy you two ladies a drink and I’ll introduce you to Cathari and Lucretia. I bet you’d like those two.”

Eyeing the knight suspiciously, Yuiri lowered her crossbow, but still looked ready to fight at the drop of a hat, “Oh, and give you a chance to get us drunk enough that your little pervert schemes will work? Not a chance.”

Kyle just rolled his eyes, “Oh come on, I’m no worse of a womanizer than you Alma Kinain girls are. Can’t a guy just try to be friendly anymore? Hey, I’ll even bring Lady Sialeeds along, she can smack me if I get out of line. Needs to be at least one woman there I can hit on anyway.”

Unable to refute his argument, Yuiri looked over at Yumi, who nodded, and agreed to the drink. “Maybe you aren’t all so bad, after all. Maybe.”

Morale of the story: When perverts and lesbians learn to co-operate, everyone wins. Yumi and Yuiri get free drinks and get to meet more girls they can preach the virtues of living in Alma Kinain to, and Kyle gets to hang out in a bar with a bunch of lesbians who are steadily getting tipsy. Everyone wins. Well, maybe Kyle doesn't win SO much. He also now has Zidane and Sten and the rest of that crew begging him to teach them his skills.

Yumi: 17
Kyle: 57