Season 36, Week 2
Destin Faroda
(Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen)
Ladies and gentlemen, Destin Faroda has returned. The great lord who has led armies immeasurable to victory over the greatest of evils now steps apart from his followers and friends, and turns his piercing tactical mind to victory in single combat. But the first to confront him in battle is no villain. Rather, the bandit Kyle is a good man, with a brash demeanor and a golden heart, like many warriors under Destin's command. The two men may well have been comrades at a different time and place. As their styles are similar, this will be a classic test of skill and strength, one which Destin is more then prepared to win. Kyle is a strong fighter to be sure, but it takes a mighty warrior indeed to stand up to the power of the Opinion Leader.



Although Kyle may be a drunk, a womanizer, and even a transvestite, he is still an adapt bandit and expert swordsman. He can power himself up and then strike his foes dead with his Insane Sword! Yeah, Kyle really isn’t about the versatility, in all honesty, but then again, neither is the leader of armies Destin. Really, both of these fighters just hit things really really hard with their swords, although Kyle at least has Power Slash to improve his physical a little bit. And with the Opinion Leader as slow as he is, Kyle might actually be able to go first and have time to use such a buff, despite being sluggish himself. Quick-draw is very important in a swordfight such as this, and Kyle might have enough speed to pull off the victory.

Before the battle, Destin went to Warren's tent for a consultation over the upcoming battle with the bandit Kyle. To his surprise, Warren wasn't there.

"Why hello there, handsome. My name is Royce, Warren's new apprentice. I've been examining your future from Warren's tarot card collection here, and I'm pleased to say that it's very good."

This was odd. Destin hadn't heard anything of Warren taking on someone new.


"Let's see here- ah, The Fool. That's no surprise. Your opponent is an idiot. We also have - the Priestess? So she wants to show up, but that should easily be dealt with. And as for the final card... ah, The Tower, one of my favorites. Dark destruction shall rain down on your unfortunate foe's head! Go ahead, take the cards. They should be useful."

With his cheaty cards in hand, the fight was easy. Jessica & Kyle had had another spat, so Destin was able to remove Jessica from action with the Fool Card and even recruit her for some quick Priestess healing to recover from Kyle's brutal Power Slash. Finally, Destin unleashed the might of the Tower of Althena upon Kyle, crushing him into oblivion with the Black Dragon's magic.

On the downside, Destin checked his Alignment after the battle, and found that it had dropped again and was almost at 0. Why did this keep happening?! Had he not slain an evil bandit? "I'd better go back to Royce for some more advice," Destin thought.

Destin Faroda: 36
Kyle: 21