Season 37, Week 3
Scythe Riebauer
(Wild ARMs 4)
Brionac's resident Crimson Noble proved he was actually worth taking seriously last week, with a victory over a... teenage girl. Now that he's beaten on the young, it's time to take aim at the sleeping! Scythe has a foolproof tactic in this laid-back fight - just Blast Juan to death with his magic. Though Juan may wake up after one hit, he'll be unable to respond before the onslaught destroys his tired, magic-fearing human body. Even if he does, Scythe's superhuman evasion, that befits the mastery of space associated with a Crimson Noble, will likely spoil Juan's fun. A second week, a second easy win... soon Lieutenant Scythe will earn all the glory that he deserves!



*Yawn* Another fight, so soon? Man, why did I sign up for this silly thing? Who am I facing? Some freak who claims to be a Crimson Noble? Why can't they just let me sleep in the middle of the match, and fight him whenever I feel like it. Well, whatever this red noble is, he's probably not as nice about sleeping on the job as Thomas is... I hope he has common courtesy to let me sleep, as I get angry when I wake up, and people don't like to see me when I'm angry. Much like that white haired guy, who met my fists and cried rather loudly and embarrassingly as a result. *Yawn* Wake me up when the match begins... if you dare, that is. I'm gonna take a nap for a while.

Orson Carola
Ever seen Fist of the North Star? If you haven't, then may Juan waking up via Blast then causing Scythe to explode shortly thereafter be a promo.

Scythe Riebauer: 18
Juan: 44