Season 41, Week 2
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
The monocle man is back! It's been a while since our scholarly shaman Canas has stepped into the Duelling Arena, but with time, Canas only grows stronger and wiser. Although not a fan of all this seemingly senseless violence, Canas will, of course, comply with it for the sake of knowledge! The clever druid has already shown past enemies the powerful strength of his Elder magic, and, fortunately for him, all his opponent, Ronfar, can do is heal himself rather poorly. Canas needs nothing more than one critical to end this match swiftly. As soon as he's done with that petty skirmish, Canas can get back to his studies and continue his endless pursuit for knowledge!



This is quite a mold-breaking match here. We have Ronfar, a rough and tumble priest with a gambling problem against Canas, a refined, dapper man with a monocle that just happens to dabble in the dark arts. Ronfar does have his work cut out for him, though. Holy man though he may be, he doesn't have much in the way of offensive capabilities. His healing is a plus, however, and leeching HP will be an effective way to survive counters. But, to decisively win this match, Ronfar is going to have to trust lady luck and roll the bones like his life depended on it. Otherwise, he'll be resigned to once again watching the DL Tournament on the sidelines with Mauri.

Orson Carola
It's magic-user vs magic-user. Bugger for Ronny that he had to draw one who actually attacks well.

Canas: 44
Ronfar: 13

Holy magic might normally destroy Canas, but Ronfar simply doesn't have the offense to take down Canas.