Season 48, Week 3
Sliding past the first round without too many problems, Eileen gets an equally easy match for her second step on the way to that elusive championship. Barret, for all his size, strength and fearsome demeanor, is a purely physical fighter, and not a particularly speedy one at that. He has only a single trick that could possibly work around Eileen's prized Copper Flesh spell, and that's the dreaded instant death of Hammerblow. But the problem with relying on limit attacks is that you give your opponent control of what you can and can't access, and Eileen should have no trouble chipping him a bit with her unimpressive physical attack before blowing the eco-terrorist away with a mighty Earthquake.



The leader of AVALANCHE is no pushover. He showed this last week in his pummeling of one of those @#$%ing Shinra employees, and he'll show it again this week. Eileen is a highly-thought of Middle? Well, Barret didn't ask for no easy fights. Invincibility's a pretty fancy trick, but it'd be fancier if it could guard against instant death, something Barret has access to through his infamous Hammerblow. One shot of that will send Eileen hella far, regardless of whatever metals she can coat her skin with. And with the impressive durability you'd expect of someone as muscular and determined as Barret @#$%ing Wallace, avoiding his limit breaks is not something many Middles can claim to be able to do.

Eileen quickly encased her flesh in a layer of impenetrable metal, which the barrage of bullets Barret fired shortly after bounced off of. Eileen shook the earth with incredible force, knocking down and heavily wounding Barrett, who felt a surge of power flow through him. He gathered a blowing blue sphere on the end of his gun and fired it on Eileen, destroying her spellcasting ability through the metal barrier.

And that is how Barrett Wallace earned himself a fatal beating from a scrawny suikoden mage with a staff who he couldn't hurt no matter how many bullets he fired off. Sometimes, the best thought out strategies earn you nothing but humiliation.

Eileen: 38
Barret Wallace: 15