Season 49, Week 3
(Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
"Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" is a good enough chant for the Laguz people. Razor sharp fangs that can rend a man asunder within moments, teeth capable of penetrating both armor and flesh with equal ease... animals never seemed so frightening. But that doesn't do justice to the mightiest Laguz of all: the dragon tribe. While Ena may not be on par with the ludicrously powerful Ryus, she is more than a match for a man who tries to fight with a glorified glove. With defenses to make most Godlikes drool with envy and damage that can put down fighters with trivial ease, Ena is more than ready to take on Emelious' glorified flunky (and come on, how bad can someone be if they take orders from that emo pansy?).



One fool has fallen before the almighty before of Kornell’s mighty Fist, and now yet another stands in it’s way, just waiting to be knocked down like yet another domino. Ena may be a dragon, but Kornell’s fought the peskiest of heroes: teenage swordsman and whiny girls! Compared to such dangerous creatures, a dragon is practically run of the mill. Ena’s boss form may have decent durability and damage, but with his own solid durability and good defense, Kornell can take several of her blows. Of course, both he and his fist have AoE to get around Ena’s counters, as well as buffs to boost his mighty damage. Facing such an onslaught, even the tanky pink dragon should have trouble holding the line for long.

Oh, come on, we all know a big burly blond guy with a huge sword beats dragons! We've only gone over this scenario, what, how many times before? So what if Ena is a red dragon who is ages old or whatever, she's still a dragon. Also, KORNELL BUSTER.

Ena: 16
Kornell: 24