Season 50, Week 1
(Chrono Cross)
Orlha may not have much experience dealing with goody-two-shoes types (especially when they're sober!), but giving him the house special of a few kicks on the rump should handle him just as well as it handles a drunkard. Her fists and legs pack quite a wallop, and she has a few shots of good magic! Not to mention excellent evasion. Both of these traits should contend well with Eliwood's counter-reliant strategy. Of course, if worst comes to worst, Orlha's drunken kung-fu can always get some spiritual help from her sister when she unleashes her ultimate attack.



Ah, this is a lucky break for the noble Eliwood! While his previous two losses have both been to professional soldiers for hire, this time all he faces is a childish bartender who doesn't even have a proper weapon to defend herself with. And while she may have a trick or two up her sleeve, none of it will matter while Eliwood hits her twice for each blow she lands, and can call upon the blood of Roland and the sacred sword Durandal to deliver a finishing blow no slip of a girl can withstand. For this Lord, the third time will definitely be the charm no matter what!

Swordman. Brawler. Pantyhose. Muscular legs.


"Wait. So... Orlha won't hit a girl, so... Eliwood..." Hector stuttered.

"He's your best friend. You tell him that listening to Cloud was a bad idea." Lyn snapped before turning off.

Hector looked down at his old friend, currently in a pink shift, heavily coated in makeup, and punch drunk, before grumbling something about life pairings and wandering off.

Orlha: 21
Eliwood: 33