Season 53, Week 2
(Final Fantasy)
Bah. It's always the same do-gooders who all happen to be male. What happened to giving tentacled horrors from the nameless depths some innocent maiden to... erm... fight? No one has respect for the Ancient Ones nowadays. Kraken (along with castmate and fellow fiend Kary) look to teach these whippersnappers respect and power. Joachim's blather about justice and finding the truth? Boring. Kraken's literally heard it thousands of times by now. It's not time for some hollow ideas about goodness. It's time for evil to kick some ass and get its due respect. Kraken, much like Kary, boasts an excellent physical attack and plenty of defenses, which is more than enough to send this ID-reliant joke of a vampire to a much deserved loss!



Look out, look out, there are evildoers about! Flying in from the skies, the Grand Papillon is here to bring truth and justice to the world of the Duelling League! This tentacle-clad fiend is exactly the type of foe the Grand Papillon was designed to tackle - a being of evil that only a true hero can defeat! With his rippling muscles and unmatched resilience, Joachim can survive even the toughest blows from the vile villain, and it's not like Kraken has much else to go with! Add in the parasitic healing of Drain Touch and the Valentine is going to prove to the Duelling League that honour and justice DO make a true champion! Now, for that Middle belt!

Joachim's muscles strained as his well-oiled body fought against the coiling tentacles of Kraken. With a loud grunt he managed to pull himself free and land with a grunt as the sweat on his flesh glistened from the lights in the arena, most of his clothes having long been torn away during the battle. Watching Kraken tense up, he readied himself for the worst but was unprepared for the inky fluid that the fiend squeezed out of its appendages and splattered all over his face. As the beautiful vampire wiped the drippy liquid out of his eyes, Joachim cried out in surprise as Kraken was on him again, the water demon's many limbs squeezing him tight in a powerful embrace.

...and in Asellus' castle, a legion of female voices went SQUEEEE as a multitude of wide-screen holographic terminals showed the fight in high-definition and every possible angle that could be imagined, complete with stereo surround sound.

"The moment I heard about this match, I had Time Lord to set up several scrying points in the arena then asked Lucca to hook them up to the best video and audio technology that I could reasonably obtain with some assistance from Belial just in case she needed to alter the fabrics of reality to get it done. You must admit, this IS better than getting the ceremonial welcome to Godlike."

Sierra let out a laugh, "True. Though a question: Don't you swing the other way?"

"I do." Asellus answered as she let her gaze rest on one of the many beauties she had invited to watch in her castle.

Sierra could only shake her head in amusement as she got back to watching Joachim's futile, yet strangely erotic, struggles against the tentacled Kraken.

Kraken: 28
Joachim Valentine: 22