Raijin looks a fair bit stronger and more intimidating than his opponent in this fight... and that's about the best thing you can say for him. With the diminuitive android Demi matching up to him physically before one factors in her over twenty shots of full healing to Raijin's none, and holding a significant speed advantage to boot, Raijin's in for an uphill fight here. Protect will soften the blows from his pure-fighter opponent, but even so, Raijin will need all the wits he has to have a chance of stealing a victory here...
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This little android, while not as intimidating as her master Wren, still packs a powerful punch. Her durability is nothing short of outstanding, and the heavy artillery contained in her chest cavity is not to be underestimated. Against a more varied opponent, Demi might face a tough fight, but against such a one-dimensional fighter as Rajin, Demi's superior intelligence, technique, and power will easily allow her to carry the day.