Season 55, Week 1
Elly van Houten
Elly may only appear to be a few years old than her schoolgirl opponent, but as her soul has reincarnated over countless generations, Elly may be one of the most experienced fighters to the grace the arena. With the knowledge gained over such endless time, Elly’s might can be quite fearsome. Of course, she likely won’t have to use too much of it against Yukiko. After all, the schoolgirl has no defense against sleep, meaning Elly’s Lunar Rod should put her in a permanent coma. If that wasn’t enough, Elly can even inflict the sleep with Aqua Frost, ensuring that Yukiko will definitely be kept on a cold freeze.



Yukiko's shocking run through Middle was capped by one small, unpleasant, bothersome little fact - that the owner of the Amagi Inn who swept through the arena was unable to upgrade! How so very droll. Yukiko's just got to unleash the power of Amaterasu on more opoponents-*Snerk* Oh, what's funny? Yukiko's battling someone slower than her! That not only takes effort on some levels, it's a real bad sign for the competition. Evasion will shut down Elly's Lunar rod and any hopes of victory, as the contact's girlfriend is a poser without her Gear to fight for her. Prepare to taste the power of Persona, Elly!

In Yukiko's case, it's a world of concussions. Elly's Lunar Rod knocked the Middle champion into dream land with a hit, and Miss Amagi didn't wake up until after Elly had beaten her into an ugly loss.

On the bright side, Yukiko can always go send Naoto to kick Fei's ass for revenge!

Elly van Houten: 23
Yukiko Amagi: 9