Season 6, Week 3
Kyra Tierny
(Phantasy Star 4)
Kyra is in a bit of trouble this week, facing a foe who has lethal status attacks. However, she isn't entirely without hope. First of all, her high magic defense is the key to evading the lethal Sour Mouth, Second, her Bindwa will let her put Strago to sleep, giving her even more time with which to go on the attack. After that, she just has to hope her superior speed and slashers will be enough to take the old man down before he can hit.



Old men are known for many things: perversion, bad breath, and beating up on uppity know-it-all youngsters. All of these traits play into Strago's hands this week. Kyra is a cute young girl, and one who wouldn't give Strago the time of day. He won't be playing nice after the esper girl turns him down cold. For the last two traits... well, ask what happened to Hahn Mahlay, and why Strago was training with a Morbol before this match..

Strago's an old man, and hence, he'll have trouble keeping up with the younger, more agile Kyra.

Of course, Strago, being older, is also wiser. Thinking ahead, he called the local pharmacy, and had Bowman deliver some "special" prescriptions to him a week before the match. The day of the battle saw Kyra running screaming from the arena, as Strago now reached a height of ten feet, though he was still as short as ever. Ah, the magic of science. But, more to the point, the magic of being able to play to a young girl's worst fears; a horny old man.

Kyra Tierny: 5
Strago Magus: 14