Season 10, Week 2
Lilka Eleniak
(Wild Arms 2)
Lilka’s comes into this match with a major disadvantage. She has no protection against Cait Sith’s devastating transformation magic, which can shut down her most potent spells. However, if Lilka can use stat buffing right off the bat and wait only a few short turns until Condition Green, she should be able to blast the stuffing out of her opponent.



This will be a quick match for Cait Sith, one way or another. If he chooses to go to the Frog spell that won him the first Light Championship, he weakens the WA mage. Once that's done, it's just a matter of hitting with the HP Trump a few times. Cait could roll the dice and lead off with a full power hit, hoping to do enough to KO the young sorceress. Either way, Cait must incapacitate Lilka fast or be thrown onto the scrap heap.

Lilka was confident. With her Parasoul in hand, and infinite Supply of Magic spells, and the fact that her opponent was a stuffed animal, not to mention condition green prevented Cait Sith's status, she was ready to take on anything...

That is until Cait Sith used his OTHEr Materia, and started pretending he was Lilka's Sister, in her head, and somehow, drove Lilka insane, and thus, she forfeited the Match. Well, it looks like that useless Manipulate Materia has finally found some good use besides getting some Enemy Skills afterall...

Lilka Eleniak: 19
Cait Sith: 21
Cait was happy. Here was an opponent who didn't have any protection against Frog! Oh sure, she had that Condition Green thing that will get her out of Frog state for at least one turn before she goes back to croaking and catching flies, but what can she do in one turn?

Cait found out just as he casted the Frog spell again moments before Lilka finished her chanting of Reflect. His ever useful spell, already en route to the nimble mage, bounced back to him like a Tennis ball in a squash court.
Cait Sith felt good. After all, how could he, the cat with nine lives, lose to a little girl.
Lilka Eleniak felt discouraged. She had powerful magic, she knew, but would she wasn't nearly as powerful as her older sister. Could she win?
As Cait Sith waddled gleefully into the room Lilka was suddenly filled with an urge stronger than any urge she had ever felt: She HAD to win. Losing agains this annoying cat/moogle/animal/alien/THING would be something she would never be able to live down. If she could accomplish this and rid the world of this great evil, she might be able to feel worthy to be related to her beloved older sister.
Immediately she walloped the thing with her umbrella, feeling strangely careless.
Cait Sith grinned: That umbrella tickled! He shouted at the girl through a megaphone in return.
"Ouch!" Lilka cried, suddenly becoming angry and blasting the animal with a spell..."Hi-Spark".
Cait Sith's circuts were fried in an instant and Lilka was happy: Her life now had meaning.