Season 13, Week 3
(Chrono Cross)
Only two survived in yet another failed Chrono Cross invasion, but Karsh is determined to keep the CC flag flying! Karsh's Stone Axe is more than ready to put a dent in Kyle's admittedly thick skull, and the dragon-riding dragoon won't hesitate in chopping his opponent down to size. Backed up by the power of wind and nature, Karsh has his sights set on the semifinals.



In a classic battle of weapons between the axe and the sword, Kyle comes in as cheerful and ready for victory as ever. With his good physical durability and strong damage that he can increase at will, it makes sense why he's confident that he will take down his Dragoon Deva opponent. Its only a matter of time before he fells Karsh and gets one step closer to that Middle championship.

The Axeman
Karsh entered the arena, and much to his disgust, his second opponent was smiling nearly as much as his first was. Kyle practically beamed at Karsh, who merely scowled back, because he was really good at scowling.

Kyle shook his head. "Man," he said. "You've really got to learn how to relax." He had his blade drawn. "Now, see, you could look at this as just another 'oh, it's all business' deal, yeah? A paycheck?" When he spoke for Karsh, he had made a funny voice. He took a step forward after a brief pause. "This is one of the easiest jobs in the world. Have some fun with it! And after I beat you, I'll buy you a beer. How about it?" He flashed a winning look at Karsh.

Who promptly hit him in the face with an axe really hard.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Socialization and reaching out to others is one way to get ahead in life, but it's hard to argue with an axe to the face.

Karsh: 25
Kyle: 24


Very little can match the cries of terror that sprang forth from Karsh when Kyle "unleashed the weasel" behind doors one last time after the match was finished. Hey he had been fighting with Jessica before the match so he hadn't been getting much chance to unleash his "weasel" much. Sometimes a guy has gotta do whatever he can to unleash it lest he hurt something.

Karsh walked in confident, his Axe at hand. It brought him through a nearly failed CC invasion, and he hoped his next enemy wasn't going to stop him.

Unfortunately for him, his opponent could use his best attack more than once. Sorry Karsh, Axe-To-The-Face is not helping against someone who has even more HP than the fabled Dragonmaster himself.