Season 15, Week 1
His calling card is a savage strike from his axe, out of nowhere. His magicks are fire and darkness, and he can call upon both at will. He is Cador, the Death Knight. This looming terror was barely stopped in his last appearence, and the mild-mannered Mahlay has no particular defense against Cador's darkness-based assault. Even with two shields, the Death Knight's brutal attacks shall press him into near constant healing. In such a fight, one Dolorous Stroke is all that's needed to finish off whoever stands in the way of Bulnoil's mighty creation.



The scholar of Piata walks into the Arena once again, intent on proving his worth. Hahn Mahlay faces the formidable Black Knight, Cador, but he has little to fear. He once faced the embodiment of darkness herself, and she had protection from something which Cador lacks: Eliminat, and its accurate instant death. Failing that, Hahn still has his great healing powers, debilitating stat-downs, and Astral skill to take care of his foe. No matter what, Cador plays to Hahn's several strengths, and the scholar of Piata will make sure his skills are applied to great effect.

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When Cador met Hahn on the arena, he began laughing. He heard that Hahn Mahlay was a skilled mage with many crippling techniques. But he also heard about Hahn's saddening endeavors with Alys Brangwin, which are enough to consider even someone like Laharl a sad loser. When the two duellers met each other, Cador felt the last drop fall: not only Hahn went through shenanigans worthy of a loser, he looked like a loser. And Cador started laughing. And laughing. And laughing. He laughed so much that, when he fell lifelessly on the arena ground, people thought he suffered a heart attack.

It was only a good while after the match that someone finally saw a dagger deeply carved into the dark knight's heart. That was the revenge of Hahn.

Cador: 8
Hahn Mahlay: 25