Season 2, Week 3
Lemina Ausa
(Lunar 2: Eternal Blue)
For all those of you who have ever complained about the weakness of magic in the Lunar world (Ghaleon's formidable double-cast aside), Lemina Ausa has a reply. Her Catastrophe spell, three times as powerful as the next best magical attack in her world, will be absolutely devastating to her opponent Vormav, who, being a Shrine Knight and all, has very high Faith. Additionally, Catastrophe is non-elemental, and likely unreflectable and unblockable, meaning Vormav's various knight equips will be of very little use in this battle. Lemina just has to hope that her bad speed and durability don't catch up to her, because if she can survive to cast one Catastrophe, she has probably won.



Some people have all the luck, and then there's Vormav, who for the second time in a row is facing someone who doesn't rely very much on equipment. However, unlike Lunn, Lemina doesn't have any natural defence, nor any HP to speak of, which means that with his greater speed Vormav will only need to survive a single catastrophe in all likelyhood before moving on to the next round.

Dark Holy Elf
Lemina, knowing that her victory in this match could lead to many endorsement opportunities, studied her opponent carefully before the match. And, after doing so, she formulated a plan. As Vormav could only use his Mighty Swordskills to target the helmet or armour of his opponent, she would wear neither of these. And so it was that she showed up to the match with not a single piece of defensive equipment on.

The plan almost worked. Vormav opened with Shellbust Stab, only to see it do... nothing. The Shrine Knight cursed the fact that RPG characters do not change appearance whether or not they wear armour.

"How mega-embarrassing for you!" called the young mage. "Without your skills, you're nothing but an ordinary knight!" She began to cast Catastrophe.

And was rudely interrupted as she was impaled on Vormav's sword. "And without your gear, you're nothing but a defenceless girl," replied the Shrine Knight, claiming his second match.

Lemina Ausa: 3
Vormav Tingel: 6