Season 19, Week 3
Odessa Silverberg
The Silverburg rebel leader advances forward to a new challenge. And she faces someone who will be just as likely to be slaughtered by her shredding winds as Oswin was. Joachim, the vampire superhero, may have the rippling muscles of a true savior, but what can he do when his dismal magic defense faces her violent blasts of wind - especially when he just happens to be weak to that element? To add insult to injury, Odessa has healing and excellent speed. Joachim managed to scrape a victory against a good magician, but Odessa Silverburg will guarantee that lightning bolt won't strike twice.



Justice, Truth, Honor, Beauty. These are the four virtues that saw Joachim through his first challenge, the Cleric Alma. Like his last opponent, Odessa is a young woman whom the heroic vampire would ordinarily lay down his life to protect. However, a practice bout never hurt anyone (except the opponent!), and Joachim will never lose. Toward that end, Joachim will be leaning heavily on his mighty wrestling skills, hoping their formidable strength and great showmanship will defeat the young revolutionary in a single blow. It will be a grueling battle of blood and sweat, but victory shall yet be his!

Let's review this match, from the point of view of the roles of the characters in plot, shall we?

Joachim's powers involve turning into a superhero. He defends the innocent and those who cannot defend themselves. Including small children.

Odessa's powers involve her dying. To protect a small child. Oh, and fighting to liberate the innocents who can't defend themselves.

Logically, Joachim actually attacking Odessa isn't happening here.

Actually, what happened was Joachim managed to strongarm Odessa into becoming part of a team with him, instead of either of them fighting.

Joachim gets a partner, someone to talk to, and someone who doesn't instantly laugh at as his mask.

Odessa gets to wear tight clothing in a world that isn't full of gay men (And Sheena Lepant. And Flik, who she ditched when she realized he was obsessed with her as some kind of saint figure.) who can't appreciate it, and has something to do after Tir took her job.

Everyone wins, really. Odessa wins the most, though.

Odessa Silverberg: 32
Joachim Valentine: 24