Season 24, Week 1
(Wild Arms)
Like the Fire Emblemites before them, Wild ARMs bosses are making a playground out of Middle. And now, it's time for the oldest and most powerful of Filgaia's Middle menaces to take his turn, the Metal Demon Alhazad. Downgraded over twenty seasons ago, Alhazad WILL prove that mistakes have been made, and the mad scientist has the tools to make a compelling case. Sleep, Slow Down, a powerful magical offense and stunning defenses, Alhazad has it all... and it's far more than some puny, status-vulnerable human general can handle!



Deadly, unrelenting and devious to a point, General Tiger Eye is ready to tear Middle apart like many FE fighters before him. Not one to let unworthy warriors steal his thunder, Caellach will hold nothing back in this fight. The Metal Demon Alhazad, scheming and poetic as he may be, will be no match for the tenacious blade of the general of Grado. With his deadly Tomahawk in hand, Caellach will strike fear into the heart, mind, and metallic body of his foe, proving that not even the hardest steel armour can stand up to an axe to the face.

Remember how in the prolouge movie of Wild ARMS, Alhazad singlehandly takes down all 7 of the Fenril Knights?

It's going to be the same thing all over again. Except this time, Caellach is by his lonesome. Something tells me that burning feeling Caellach is going to feel isn't Alhazad Symphony ringing in his ears, but a laser shot to the face.

Alhazad: 36
Caellach: 16