Season 37, Week 1
Hah! A paltry robot is all that the mighty general Mio gets to face? This is completely beneath her - no, beneath even her stupid coworkers Nana and Saki! But no matter, it will be a fitting beginning to trounce all over such a lowly machine. Although Mio's normal status spells may be useless in this battle, she still has a few tricks up her sleeve. Doing some research on this Thursday fellow, Mio discovered all of its attacks are based off of physical damage, and thus she prepared. With a few well-placed Strams to lower Thursday's offense, it won't matter that her normal attacks do little damage, as Thursday won't even be able to touch her! Hohohoho, foolish robot, do not challenge a genius!



Thursday is here! Thursday is here! That's right, everyone, the long-awaited return of your favorite Evil-Busting Super Robot has occurred! Thursday is back in action and ready to show evil-doers just what having the power of Burning Friendship is all about! Thursday's opponent this week is the dastardly general Mio - and she has a variety of tricks up her sleeve, but nothing that the mighty THURSDAY, SUPER ROBOT cannot defeat! Mio's normal trick of paralysis won't have any affect on our intrepid robot hero, which gives Thursday ample time to barrage her with Robo Crushes. Worry not, Junior Defenders, Thursday is on the job! Domo Roboto Arigato!

Let's see here.


A military officer who's bumbling and mainly just fanservice. That's Mio.

So I ask of you - what can the military do about a LEGENDARY SUPER ROBOT? Bye, Mio.

Mio: 19
Thursday: 41