Season 37, Week 2
(Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
While he may be the last of the Sacred Stones cast to get a fight, Franz intends to make his first run into the arena as memorable as possible. But the hopeful cavalier will have his work cut out for him in his debut fight: the devious undead engineer Balk Fenzol won't be an easy fight. Still, as a Great Knight, Franz has access to quite a few weapons to give him an edge over the sniper. With a hand axe or javelin in hand, he can utilize those famous Fire Emblem counters against Balk's gunshots, which the lightly armored engineer shouldn't be able to take many of. Such an edge should guarantee victory to the young Franz, vanquishing evil once again for the honor of his beloved Renais.



Aristocrat hater and vaunted Shrine Knight, Balk Fenzol is not to be trifled with. As a man with true resolve, he rose from a gloryless death to truly achieve his goals of destruction. And, even if he was ultimately obliterated by the goody-goody Ramza Beoulve, the insidious Engineer does not fade in the Duelling League grounds! He faces his fourth FE dueller in a row this week in Franz, which is quite a blessing for the Engineer. Franz' lack of ranged options give Balk much time to snipe the opposition before the horsemen even arrives. And, with Fenzol's vaunted defenses, Franz's sword or spear attacks should be a minimal threat, guaranteeing a comfortable win for the Engineer.

"Balk!" The young, strident lad rode into the arena, whirling his spear in a frentic show of rage. "I have come to end the slaughter of FE warriors at your hands!"

Balk sighed. The young never learned... As the youthful Paladin rode at him, Balk did what he always did; Aim Leg, horse, easy win. The horse stopped in mid-stride, and the paladin suddenly got a bemused look on his face, unable to spur his horse any further. Balk chuckled a bit at the young man, and lazily began to reload his gun, when...


Balk's vision swam with little dim lights, as he attempted to focus in front of him, at the set of armor that now blocked out light.


"I dismounted. Idiot." Franz bonked the gunner upside the head with his gauntlet again. "Despite it being against all the rules for a FE paladin. After all, we're technically supposed to glue ourselves to those things for arena fights... I never said you wouldn't win on technicality, but..."

The last vision before Balk blacked out was the gauntlet, one last time.

"...this definitely wasn't a slaughter."

Franz: 19
Balk Fenzol: 55

A gun, to those who don't know it, is a fearsome weapon.

The blast, the smoke, the frightening speed, the inability to defend or parry, the instability of even dodging as a tactic...

But what of a gun that produces lightning?

What of a gun whose lightning is so strong that the gods fear it? That their very fear would cause them to strike from the heavens, rending apart the target, for fear that they would be the next targets of the enraged wielder!?


"Your gun doesn't do that." Kletian stated flatly.

"...Of course not, you idiot. But that naive fool didn't know better." Balk said, chuckling, as Franz turned horse's tail and fled out of the arena.

Mystina shrugged from her seat in the stands.

She was bored enough to go along with a gag if it had come to that, anyways.