Season 41, Week 2
(Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)
The Black Fang's innocent angel once again jumps into the arena to prove her might! And this might be one of her hardest matches yet - the evil henchman Kornell, working for the ranks of angst overwhelming and destruction of all that is Flonne, packs quite a punch for Middle. However, Nino can take the heat for her friends' sake! Vastly outspeeding him, she can simply apply doubled Fire castings against her opponent, and counter whenever he tries striking himself. With such a dazzling speed advantage, she can certainly vanquish this foe before his iron fist crumples her, chalking up yet another victory for the forces of good!



Children. Obnoxious children. Why did it have to be children? Gah, such a nuisance. But no matter! Kornell, trusted lieutenant of the great Emelious, won't let even his sworn mortal enemies stand between him and capturing the glory of a coveted Middle title! Fortunately, Nino is a cross between two archetypes; the waif-like child and the squishy mage. The net result is an opponent that explodes into fine paste when hit with anything more substantial than a limp-wristed assault, meaning Kornell can end this fight quickly before any horse-play can interfer in his inevitable and glorious victory! Never again shall Kornell suffer the indignity of defeat against insufferable brats!

"HAH! A little girl like you can't possibly defe-" Kornell's words were chopped off by a massive pillar of fire smashing him in the face.

"...Hey! Damn you! I'm not just some joke! You have to le-" Again, his words were cut off.

Nino shrugged, and kept firing fireballs as an increasingly irate Kornell tried desperately to say his piece.

This was the Duelling League!

He was free from the restraining shackles of the world that had cruelly bound him! The world that had drifted aimlessly away from him, as he fell into a deep, dark plothole!

And he still was not allowed even a scene here? No dramatic battle? Just fireballs to the face as he tried to talk!? This was...this was...

As he fell into unconciousness, his last thoughts were the horrific realization that, in trying to not look like a fool, he hadn't even attacked...

Nino shrugged again. She was just doing what she'd been told to...

She did kinda feel sorry for the guy, though.


Violetta smiled.

"You know, you're a man after my own heart." She noted, as a cloaked figure handed her a small bag. "Ruthless, yet cruel."

"I just do what I have to." Jaffar said flatly, as he walked off.

Nino: 26
Kornell: 25