Season 51, Week 1
Borus Redrum
(Suikoden III)
Borus is not a hero. Not in his own mind, where he sees himself in far darker light than everyone else in Zexen does. On the other hand, Odessa is a revolutionary hero and martyr. She died fighting a corrupt empire and inspired real change for the better. When the two meet, one could see it as a battle of realism vs idealism. Let me tell you, idealism is fine, but it fails when it hits the brutal realities of life. Like Odessa found out before, a sword is a sword no matter how you decry it. Borus will attack her, hurt her and critical hit her down. While she can stall and get in some hits of her own, she can't compete with the realistic, overwhelming pain Borus can dish out. No ideas can stop this slaughter.



Odessa's deep-rooted hatred of tyrannical kingdoms may not find a good target in the good soldiers of Vinay del Zexay, but Borus Redrum is hardly an innocent, given the kingdom's history of warfare. Regardless of what he did, Odessa can consider herself justified in her actions as she enters the arena. And, really, this will be simple: with a massive speed edge, Healing Wind's recovery and The Shredding to hit Borus' woeful magical defenses (and more importantly, to bypass his excellent physical resilience), not to mention excellent evasion, the young Silverburg lady has all the right tools to handle the iron-headed knight. Then, it's on to that Middle belt she just barely missed in her first outing.

The ill-fated leader of the Rebellion.

A loyal, dutiful and somewhat hasty young knight.

What else could happen but that which did?


"They eloped." Chris repeated to a rather bemused Cleo.

"Yeah. Apparently so. They said Odessa'd be back in time for the match, though."

"That's... okay, whatever. I don't even want to know." Chris muttered. "Stupid 'forbidden' love. Why didn't we just stick with courtly love when we had the chance...?"

Borus Redrum: 19
Odessa Silverberg: 29