Season 58, Week 2
Lemina Ausa
(Lunar 2: Eternal Blue)
Prize money, endorsement deals, Lemina can see it all! So much money to be won and all she has to do is win a few matches in this ol' Arena again! She can taste it now... all that wonderful, wonderful money... Oh, her opponent? Pah, but a trifling detail compared to the book signings, but... As a Grass pokemon, it is weak to both fire and ice damage, which Lemina can easily focus on in one way or another... OR! She could just go with Catastrophe, and hit both weaknesses at once with wonderful, wonderful ease! Her relatively slow speed won't matter all that much against the words "Super Effective", now, will they?



The fastest grass pokemon ever recorded returns to show those humans of the arena the power of nature, and this time, lo and behold, he isn't matched up against his fire-aligned counterpart this week! First things first, he has to take down the mage Lemina. This will be an easy task for the reptilian; although Lemina can hit his Fire and Ice weaknesses, that would rely on her using spells so weak they scare nothing even doubled. Meanwhile, Sceptile can hit Lemina's own weakness - awful HP - with his deadly Leaf Blades, all while enjoying an even more colossal speed advantage than normal against Lemina!

Pokemon aren't stupid. Oh, sure, they get bossed around in souped up cock fights by ten year olds, but you have to remember; fighting is something they do ANYWAY, humans aren't any better at not being bossed around by ten year olds, and out in the wild there aren't magical machines that heal grievous injury in the time it takes to hum da-da-dada-DA! The utterly random usage of moves out in the wilds is a show Pokemon learn to put on so trainers stand a chance against them. And of course, listening to trainer commands is part of the whole arrangement.
Freed from human control, a Pokemon like Sceptile is more than capable of figuring things out. Things like "my opponent is a greedy, arguably psychotic little girl" and "Lemina is famous for saying things like 'Mega Magic Flame!'". Faced with the prospect of battling a crazed pyromaniac incapable of mercy or restraint (like any good Capitalist), Sceptile remembered its typing and wisely went and did something less painful.
Unfortunately a life of battle doesn't prepare you for distinguishing between video games well, and playing Pokemon Stadium ended up being longer and at least as painful as the burning, but you can't win them all.

Lemina Ausa: 23
Sceptile: 13