Season 7, Week 3
Nina Wyndia
(Breath of Fire IV)
Nina's looking forward to another step towards a championship this week. She's one of the very few who can actually match her opponent's speed, and with her status resistance, Barrier, gobs of healing, and game-best magic defense, there's nothing Balk can do to hurt her. An Inspire-powered Typhoon's going to sweep away the competition here.



Balk faces an uphill battle this week, but it is more than possible for him to pull out a victory. His gun shots won't be doing nearly enough damage to kill Nina before she gets a chance to heal, so he'll have to use a different tactic. Nina's AP, while very high, is still limited. Balk's Move-HP up will help to stall the battle for a long time and give him a health advantage when Nina stops to heal. Balk also has average faith and Magic Defense up to reduce Nina's damage as much as possible. There is also a chance Balk's feather mantle will help him evade Nina's magic. While it will undoubtedly take a while, Balk may very well be able to survive his way into the middle semi-finals.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm getting the mental image of Balk trying to hit Nina, constantly missing, then getting blown away by Typhoon. Then from the side of the arena, a dog stands up and laughs in an 8-bit way.

Nina Wyndia: 19
Balk Fenzol: 6

In a balsy first move, Balk pulls off a successful Arm Aim attack, then moves for higher ground, trying to get out of Nina's range. After a couple of snipe shots, he hopes he's far enough away to prevent her magic from reaching, and goes for a Leg Aim, which fails. At this point, Nina launches a few well placed Typhoons, of which Balk dodges one, and victory goes to her.

"I have become 'human' I am fully evolved and am perfect now!" Balk said.

"...I have wings, I can fly!"

Balk couldn't think of a come back, and went crying realizing he was, indeed, not perfect...